Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Craig's List Part II

Okay, this isn't working out like I thought it was gonna work out.

I thought that I could use the computer to find out ways and people to help me get in better shape and punch better and get more ready for the American Gladiators but that's not the way it goes. I asked a simple question on Craig's List (the website for people looking for help with things) and it started out good but ended with some jerks cracking wise at me. This is what I mean:


See? My first question was supposed to get me help with my punching (I don't fight dirty, but you never know when you're gonna need to do some punching. Plus, I've heard that punching is good for exercise too), and some of the guys were helpful, but the last guys were making fun of my website and saying I'm a goof and a gag.

I'll bet that those guys are all computer nerds and they're just jealous because I'm in the best shape of my life and they're all fat and can only get girls who like computer guys which I'm pretty sure is NO GIRLS! Also, they keep saying that I'm not for real, which is flat out not true. Let me spell it out for you.

I am NOT joking around. Does THIS look like the face of a guy that's joking around?

I didn't think so! Thanks to the real athletes out there for their tips on punching. If I meet the jerks, then you can be sure I'll try out your suggestions on them.

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