Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time to Train Again

Paul and I hit the pavement yesterday for some serious training. Basically, it's a combination of explosion and balance. Check it out but don't try this at home or you might hurt yourself. Remember, not everyone was cutout to be a Gladiator, just hard core dudes like me and the actual Gladiators and future Gladiators. Hey, who knows, if you train real hard, you might be a future Gladiator on American Gladiators! So, maybe do try this at home but only if you want to be an American Gladiator:

Balance is something that I've talked about before. If you can't balance, then you can't compete. This is yet another area where beer is vital. Beer may help you with your strength and diction, but it makes balancing a whole lot harder. If you can pound like nine or ten beers and then complete this exercise routine without losing your balance, you might be ready for the big time.

First, you'll need a training partner like Paul. That guy takes training to the extreme. If you aren't living on the extreme, then you're not going to be a Gladiator, you're going to be an accountant or a lawyer or a doctor or something and you'll spend the rest of your life trying to get everyone to respect you only they'll be all, "Yeah, right, doctor. Why would I respect a guy who puts his fingers in dudes' butts?"

You wouldn't.

You respect dudes in awesome uniforms who fight each other with giant foam sticks. You respect Gladiators.

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